Department of Media Science

Japanese Version

Laboratories on Architecture for Information Media Space

Building up New Relation Between Human Beings and Information

Katashi Nagao

Professor, Department of Media Science

He has worked out researches on application of retrieval, summary, translation, and editing by considering meanings contents of digital contents including multimedia. Recently he has studied ¡Èdiscussion mining¡É in which you obtain reusable knowledge out of real environment contents such as conferences or the environment including more than one person. In this study he has also experimentally made an information vehicle for an individual and conducted approach to new integration between information environment and real environment. He will continue to search for ideal relation between human beings and information through meaning integration of media information and grounding to a real environment of human lives.

Intelligent Applications Based on Multimedia information Analysis and Annotation

Shigeki Ohira

Assistant Professor, Information Technology Center

We predict that chances to utilize digital contents will be increasing as computer performance has improved and telecommunications systems have been broadband. On the other hand, our information processing activities as part of our everyday lives have limit in time and space and recognition. Therefore, it is important to create environment where men and women of all ages can get necessary amount of necessary information in necessary form. He has targeted to achieve human interface to effectively treat multimedia including speech and images. As an actual approach, he has developed annotation technology by integrating media information analysis based on signal processing technology and human recognition processing. He would like to propose high accuracy of basic speech, images, and language processing, extraction of effective meta information to make the most of human recognition functions, and intellectual application of media by means of created annotation.

Please also refer to the Web site on Nagao Laboratory.